太阳成集团中国政府奖学金短期科研交流项目China Link 招生简章
为深化中外青年学术友谊和交流互鉴,搭建世界青年科研人才交流平台,国家留学基金管理委员会(以下简称国家留学基金委)设立实施中国政府奖学金短期科研交流(英文简称 China Link)项目。
In order to deepen the academic friendship and mutual understanding between Chinese and foreign young generation, and to build a platform for the international exchanges and cooperation of young talents, China Scholarship Council (CSC) has established the China Link Scholarship Program for international students and faculties hoping to engage in academic and research activities in China.
申请条件 Eligibility
1. 非中华人民共和国国籍,品学兼优,身心健康;
Be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China; good moral character and academic excellence; be in good health, both mentally and physically.
2. 申请及参与项目期间,须为国家留学基金委国外合作院校全日制在读员工或教职员工。国外合作院校列表及详情请见附件1。
Be registered as a full-time student or employed as a full-time academic staff at CSC’s foreign partner universities at the time of application and throughout their proposed stay in China. For a list of CSC’s foreign partner universities, please refer to Appendix 1.
Applicants for general scholar programs should be undergraduates or postgraduates, who are no more than 45 years old; Applicants for senior scholar programs should be doctoral students or academic staff, who are no more than 50 years old.
资助期限 Duration
1-12 months. Start study in China no later than August 31, 2025.
资助领域 Study/Research Fields
For the list of academic programs offered by SWUFE, please refer to Appendix 2.
资助内容 Funding
Successful applicants will receive a full scholarship from CSC during their stay in China, including a tuition waiver, free on-campus accommodation, comprehensive medical insurance and monthly stipend (CNY 3,000 for general scholars; CNY 3,500 for senior scholars).
申请流程 Application Process
1. 申请人需登录“太阳成集团国际员工在线服务系统”(http://swufe.17gz.org)注册账户,上传相关申请材料(具体申请材料请见附件3),完成网上申请并支付申请费。
Applicants should log into “SWUFE Online Application System” (http://swufe.17gz.org) to upload supporting documents (For supporting materials, please refer to Appendix 3),complete online application and pay application fee.
Application fee is 600 RMB. Please follow the instruction at the system for online payment. The applications without paying application fee will not be processed. Application fee is not refundable under any circumstance.
2. 集团对申请人进行审核及综合考核后,确定拟推荐人员名单,为拟推荐人选出具预录取通知书。
SWUFE will review scholarship applicants and offer pre-admission letter to the selected candidates.
3. 获得公司拟录取材料的申请人登录中国政府奖学金来华 留学管理信息系统(https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login)完成网上申请并上传相关材料(操作指南请见附件4)
Applicants who have been granted the pre-admission letter by SWUFE, should log into the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login) to complete CSC online application and upload supporting documents. For the online application guide, please refer to Appendix 4.
4. 公司将分批次于2024年7月15日、10月15日及2025年1月15日三个截止日期前将推荐人选上报留基委;系统申请截止日期为学校上报留基委日期前10个工作日。
SWUFE will submit the recommended candidates to the CSC in batches before the three deadlines: July 15 2024, October 15 2024, and January 15 2025; the system application deadline is 10 working days before SWUFE’s submission date to the CSC.
5. 奖学金录取结果以国家留学基金委通知为准。公司届时会将录取结果通知各位申请人。
The final scholarship admission results shall be subject to the notice of the CSC. SWUFE will notify the scholarship admission results to candidates accordingly.
Ms. LI Yi李祎老师
邮箱 Email:scholarship@swufe.edu.cn